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Inspector General's address at his Installation Meeting on 22nd March 2013


Princes, from the date of my Perfection in 1985, I've been reminded on several occasions that brevity is a requirement for speakers in this order and whilst I'll endeavour to conform today, there are certain things that must be said.


Firstly and in my opinion most importantly are the thank you's:

a) To the Members of Supreme Council, who have given up their valuable free time today to travel to Berkshire and install me in what I'm sure you will agree has been a most impressive ceremony.
b) To the Inspector Generals and District Recorders from our adjacent Districts with whom I look forward to forming a close working and social relationship.
c) To Members of the District of Berkshire, both for your words of congratulations and committed support, plus of course your attendance here today.
d) To all our other guests, I hope you enjoy the day and please come back and visit our Chapters whenever possible.
e) To Ill Bro.Vernon Coles, my proposer into this wonderful order, who has mentored me throughout my Masonic career to date and who I'm delighted has been able to form part of my escort team today.( 93 on 16th April).
f) My special thanks to Ill Bro.John Stocker, our District Recorder, not only for his input to this particular meeting, but for the manner in which he has guided the District following the very sad loss of V.Ill.Bro. Michael Hooton, our immediate past Inspector General.


The future for our District:
Princes, enjoyment is a priority and I will do everything in my power to ensure each and every member of the District enjoys his Rose Croix membership and that each Chapter is operated along happy and harmonious lines.
I ask you all, if you have members who are absent from meetings, either through poor health or even lack of enjoyment, then please make contact with them and enquire what the problem is and what can be done to resolve it.
Please do not leave this all to the Almoner, it's better we all act as Almoner's to look after each other and practise the virtue to love one another.
Good teamwork throughout our order is essential for its long term future and well being.


I'm delighted to inform you that commencing on 4th July this year, I intend for the Annual Enthronement Meeting of the Thames and Chiltern Chapter No1075, which is the higher degrees chapter in the District, to be an occasion when we will invite the Inspector Generals and District Recorders from our adjoining Districts to attend as our guests and I'm certain this will prove beneficial in fostering the relationships between our Districts.


I will be asking the District Recorder to circulate all Chapters requesting comments on some proposals I would like to implement, namely:


a) An annual informal luncheon for members of the District, their wives, partners and guests (who may subsequently become candidates). Let them witness first hand how enjoyable this degree is.

b) An annual Church service followed by afternoon tea. This is a Christian degree and I firmly believe this could prove a highly successful event and further our levels of enjoyment.

c) A simple system of inter visiting between Chapters, to help swell numbers at meetings, but ultimately to further advance our brotherly love.


Subject to the response I receive, which I sincerely hope will be positive, I intend to recruit members to assist in organising these events and I'm pleased to inform you, Princes have already offered me their services in this respect.


The District Recorder has already sent a circular to all Chapter Recorders, expressing my preference for the wearing of collaret's by the members of the higher degrees at the Festive Board, but I leave it up to individuals. Princes, I emphasize, this is only a request and I do not at any stage intend to become a dictator. If you ever think I am, please tell me, I'm always approachable.


Members of Supreme Council and Princes all, I apologise for my non-conformity today but I did want you all to hear my message.


I thank you for the courtesy extended to me and sincerely hope you will all enjoy the rest of the day.

Newly Perfected...


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